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Among the smallest tools you have ever used, FoodBoosters last a lifetime and beyond, always working. EVERYTHING near electricity, including you, is instantly blanketed with very polluting frequencies. The one-second energy test proves this every time. Easily test the energy level of ANYTHING. No need to believe this incredible claim, do the test with a friend or colleague. Have someone gently pry the O-ring on your right hand. 'O-ring' is a circle you make with thumb and any finger you wish. If you cannot hold your pinkie & thumb in a simple tight "O," use the next finger, or the next, OR your first finger (index) How much effort do they have to use to gently pry your O-ring open a little bit? That's the test... either weak, or strong. Slight effort, or great effort to pry it open Now, take any bit of food, tap it 10x on the table to imitate digestive stress, and hold it away from your body. No matter how strong you are, you can no longer hold other hand's O-ring tightly! It happens to 100 of 100 people. It is just that simple. All food is polluted today by electricity, which is partly why we get so little energy from food. After touching Foodbooster to the food or beverage or the container they are in, even a mug, it'll always test strong. The Psychology of Longevity asserts that this means more energy delivered to you, less food required to nutrify you. Creating a food log is just writing down what we eat, hm? A growing number of people claim their food needs declining IN THEIR FIRST WEEK of using their Foodboosters. THERE IS A CATCH TO THIS: You must use it on everything you eat or drink. Touch the plate, glass, pan, etc., making sure that you use FoodBoosters reliably, so that FoodBoosters can serve YOU just as reliably. No maintenance, no batteries, no upgrade, just don't break the bottle, so that it lasts forever. The one-second bidigital test will prove that EVERYTHING near electricity is polluted, with electrical frequencies that demonstrably weaken all food, drinks, body, etc. EVERY food and drink tests stronger with simple contact with FoodBoosters. One-conditional money-back guarantee. The condition? TEST THAT FOOD! |   |
Get more energy from your food and drink
Food Allergies? Your body makes it easy to FIX ITSELF, thanks to FoodBoosters
The Psychology of Longevity holds that no human should eat gluten or dairy, we are not designed to digest them.
FoodBoosters were NOT invented to cure gluten, dairy or any other food allergies, even if FoodBoosters do help.
We ARE openly claiming that most all OTHER food allergies are emotionally based,
and can be completely erased by simply using FoodBoosters 10 seconds pr day, 21 days.
The supercharged rare earth minerals reset the body's bioenergetic and emotional fields.
The one condition is that you must test before and after using the FoodBoosters on food or beverage.
Foodboosters do not heal, cure or even treat:
They instantly, provably reset your energetic & emotional fields, and, get this, strengthen EVERYTHING that they touch.
THIS ENABLES YOUR OWN BODY TO NATURALLY ERASE THE CAUSES of you being sensitive - or allergic - to a food
Learn QRA booster secrets, building skill at this simple, one-second test.
Bidigitals are those who practice the QRA test.
Learn even more at YouTube/FoodBoosters.
Help your body to help itself, naturally, powerfully, provably.
The more energy you derive from food, the less food you need.
Benjamin Franklin said, "The less you eat, the longer you live."
MisterShortcut modifies that: "The less you eat, the STRONGER you live."
Food allergies, other than gluten/dairy? Pshaw!
Good Energy + Beneficial Frequencies
FoodBoosters do not heal, cure or even treat:
They INSTANTLY, PROVABLY reset your energetic and emotional fields.
More and more people are providing themselves with the relief & clearance they need, with FoodBoosters!
When you were eating, say, cashews at age 3 just as you heard your mom yelling at your dad for the first time,
you can be inalterably certain that your brain immediately drew a connection between these two events.
The Psychology of Longevity suggests with good reason that this is why you are allergic to cashews.
No need to believe it! Just hold a FoodBooster to your GV20 point, THEN bring the cashews close.
We have done this with dozens of patients with severe allergies, with NEVER a bad reaction.
Hold the "offending" food close to you only after you put the FoodBooster on GV20.
As long as the FoodBooster is held in place at your GV20, you'll notice ZERO allergic reaction.
Repeat this procedure 2 or 3x per day for 21 days, and perhaps, you too, will get identical results,
where you note that the food or drink that caused issues can now be healthily enjoyed again.
Foodboosters do not heal your allergies, they better-equip your body to correct its issues.
2x or 3x per day, just ten to thirty seconds each time, x 21 days
It takes the human system about 21 days to adjust to new job, spouse, toilet, car, bicycle, etc.,
after which we are accustomed to the item or the habit or the new person. It's smooth & natural.
While it also works with full strength on all human organs, glands, and testable tissue, FoodBoosters are very small,
Get more energy from your food! Cute "side effect" of FoodBoosters Used On All Food & Drink youtu.be/KsVf15LNfCM -
Psychology of Longevity - Master Secrets Of The Universe
Welcome to the headquarters of the world's first true foodboosters, literally supercharging all that they touch.
so the larger EnergyVials or QVials, and others, are suggested for body use, they're easier to place at your GV20 point.
Learning QRA... or the Psychology of Longevity version of the one-second energy test
GV20 (Governor Vessel) is located at the highest point on your head, lined up with the front of your ears, easy to find.
Place any of our vials of supercharged rare earth minerals at the GV20 point, for as little as 1/50th of a second, and voila!
EVERY one of the body's 365 long-identified meridian points is going to test stronger, or you can have an immediate refund.
These are the most powerful minerals in the earth, and certainly the first supercharged devices that allow YOU to supercharge.
BDORT CRA Reflexology Kinesiology Refractometer (Brix Meter):
No matter which of the five most common energy tests you use to test food, etc.,
contact with FoodBoosters is unconditionally guaranteed to make it test strong.
Touch FoodBoosters to any food, drink, or plate/container:
EVERY plate or box, glass or bowl or cup of food along with beverages, no matter how weak they test this way,
is one-conditionally guaranteed to test stronger, and the one condition is that it was weak before touching it to Foodboosters
This gives you power to very literally supercharge everything that tests weak against your body, such as eyeglasses.
That's right. Approx 40% of all of us test weak against our eyeglasses. Touch the foodbooster, Voial! Tests stronger.
There is no such thing as an accident, only people making bad decisions, including not paying sufficient attention.
If you drop the FoodBooster, sometimes they break, sometimes they do not, so it is wiser to be careful with them.
These can be among the most powerful, most influential tools of your lifetime, more so when you absorb more.
That last statement has more than one meaning, as does every bit of useful information that we ever get to learn.
You see, you will rapidly find, among other things, that the more often you use the FoodBooster, the more it gives.
We do not even list them, some we have no intention of telling people except as nice rewards for purchasing them.
Everything that tests weak, without exception, is guaranteed to test stronger after 1 to 5 seconds of contact.
Nothing in the world that we have ever examined even comes close to this in polarity, to toss some science.
No belief in a single word we offer is required, which confounds sober attempts at refuting such extent of power in these vials.
Every single substance in existence is made of molecules that must spin. They either spin counterclockwise, or they spin clockwise.
Any substance that has counterclockwise-spinning molecules is guaranteed to weaken mammalian thryoids, parathyroids, and more.
No argument can be made because approximately every human with someone standing there to help can do a one-second bidigital test.
Same results, every time. That is science.
Set aside the pseudo-psychobabble.
Shhh. Less talking, more doing.
The test shows energy.
Please note how much food you are now eating to be satisfied. PLEASE take notes.
Everyone claims they know, and remember, and yet, are ALWAYS shocked at truth,
to realize how many things we do not "really consider food," yet we still swallow it.
After just a week or two of touching your Foodboosters to everything you eat and drink,
please make note again, written or not, of how much you are then eating to satisfaction.
WHY do people report such easily observed lowering of food requirements, and so quickly?
Now, that's the easy part: When you dissolve, and in this case convert electrical pollution,
the energy that is in given food can deliver a good bit more nutrition to the human body,
With more being delivered, plus benefits from using FoodBoosters on your GV20 point,
all your body's organs test stronger, so they are also digesting even more efficiently.
The combination of food that tests energetically stronger, AND you testing stronger,
are without a doubt responsible for some of the most impressive clinical results.
Operate in the clinic of your own environment, simply doing one-second tests.
A CHILD can learn to do the bidigital one-second test, in but a few seconds,
so, the Psychology of Longevity purports that you can, too, just as well.
Visit any of the expert QRA websites, dozens of them, built for you,
so that you can learn more, which promotes you living more, too.
The more we know, the smarter most of our decisions tend to be.
Allow FoodBoosters to help you improve your life, noticeably, rapidly, consistently, using FoodBoosters.
Get more energy from your food! - FoodBoosters change the game
Whether you buy Foodboosters or do not, PLEASE go to qra.me (or other qra website) to learn the one-second energy test.
Every bit of health information shared with you by the Psychology of Longevity is repeatedly and thoroughly vetted.
Among the many outrageous and definitively unprecedented claims and opinions expressed throughout these sites,
not a single fact has ever been successfully refuted. Not one. This reminds all of us what an experiment is.
The purpose of an experiment is NOT to prove that a principle or theory is scientifically, usefully true.
The purpose of an experiment is to work mightily to prove that the proposed theory is NOT proven true.
Test, test, test! Point to your car or refrigerator, or hold your cell phone to your chest while it's openly operating.
There is simply no way that you will still be able to hold your thumb and finger tightly together then.
Laser it with the world's first supercharged laser, or touch it to a QVial, or other supercharged minerals.
You can even use this HUGE technology from MisterShortcut without spending at all! Visit Megaphotons.com
Use the supercharged image right at the top of the page, or at J233.com, or other "backup" sites for megaphotons.
Speak less and do more!
Respectfully submitted, if you knew better, you would do better.
Your fastest path to success is imitating those who already do.
The one-second test is easily learned, and astounds everyone!
Should we not imitate professors and MD's using the QRA test?
Once you successfully imitate their recipe,
you will know because you'll also be imitating their results. Test. See.
THEN is when the knowledge and experience YOU'VE gained, maybe even wisdom,
is worth adding to your best recipe. You cannot learn less about anything, true?
Learn the one-second energy test, and the Psychology of Longevity assures you that your intelligence attains a boost.
Do you fully understand? Sixty seconds from now, you can be indisputably smarter than you are now. Test. Experience!
If you are getting more energy from food, what do YOU think FoodBoosters will do for the amount of food you need?
Will billions of combinations of ideas within any field of human endeavor, YOUR choices are virtually limitless.
Choose the universal shortcuts that work best for you, and total winning becomes a realistic goal for YOU.
Foodboosters are one of many tools that effectively promulgate nutrition and promote success for all.
Welcome to the world of Foodboosters, where profits more important than money
promulgate propagation of Foodboosters! $34 for Foodboosters! Wow.